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Storm outbreak 229
d not like. He wanted her to be resigned to his will. What a pity that she still craves the man, and it is so difficult without his teasing smile, his gentle embrace, without those magical nights of love ...

Closing his eyes, Mickey swam in the bright, pleasant memories. If it will continue to torment a longing for Kayla, she sgryzet it at all. But Cale certainly after that all-fm.ru party about it and not remembered. Many women are willing to replace it. But Mickey wanted much more than these splendid hours between dusk and dawn. She wanted them to have a life together and shared dreams that they make decisions together.

However, what is she thinking? She herself does not like to compromise. And she does not like when someone wants to convince her of anything. Well, all the better, decided to Miki. They are too similar to Kayla in their shortcomings in order to live together. Each of them wants to do as wishes. If they lived together, it would have looked like a tug of war - the everyday, which requires effort and stress.

Sighing heavily, Mickey climbed on the bed. She was very tired. She had a long, eventful day.

And remember if Cale about it, I thought Mickey. Do you know how hard she has to fight with Morgan and Joseph? How would he reacted to the fact that she shot the cloak in his hand a sheet of Joseph? Maybe he would have condemned it as too short temper?

Mickey could not help smiling. Kahle would certainly have approved it. And maybe even ...

She remembered the kiss of his full lips. She remembered how her hug, like isolating from the rest of the world, his strong, confident hands. She felt the musky smell that was always an integral part of it.

"You'll soon go mad if you keep thinking about him - cursed himself Mikey. - Cale Broulin, appear to have thousands of miles away, and I - in millions of miles from his mind! "

To quickly go to sleep, Mickey decided to start counting - but not the traditional sheep and mares selected, which someday will graze on its pastures. However, the memory of Kayla could not ў
Категория: важные | Добавил: audiua (28.06.2012)
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